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Propolis drops

Propolis drops

Regular price 67,02 lei RON
Regular price Sale price 67,02 lei RON
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Natural propolis 30%, ethyl alcohol, water.

Internal: 20 drops daily;

external: by direct tamponade of the affected part of the skin.

Product obtained with an original extraction technology that keeps the biflavonoids from natural propolis unaltered.

In Greek, propolis means 'the part in front of the fortress' because propolis serves as a defense against the pests of the hive (microbes and mold) and covers the walls with a sealed layer that does not allow the formation of air currents. The action of propolis is antibacterial and antifungal, which prevents bees from getting sick. Propolis drops are an alcoholic extract that contains 30% propolis.

Adjunctive effects:

antibacterial, antiviral and antimycotic, standing out for the property of not giving resistance phenomena, at the same time increasing the sensitivity of microbes to drugs;

 stimulates the immune system;

 cicatrizing, antiseptic for mucous membranes and skin;


Recommended as an adjuvant in:

infectious-contagious diseases: whooping cough, angina, flu, cough, typhoid fever, meningitis;

 glycolic propolis drops are very effective in combating facial and genital herpes through local applications;

 ulcer gastric si duodenal, enterite, colite;

 ENT diseases: sinusitis, acute otitis, rhinitis, mycotic rhinosinusitis

 dermatological, gynecological, dental diseases.

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